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Out-of-Catchment Placements

General Guidelines

The University of Toronto catchment area includes the geographic region extending from Mississauga (West) to Whitby (East) and Newmarket (North) to Lake Ontario (South). Students from the University of Toronto have priority for placements in this region. Similarly, students from other universities have priority for placements in their respective catchment areas.


Students may apply for a placement outside the Toronto catchment area if they have:

  • Maintained a ‘B’ average with no course failures

  • Abided by all requirements within the OS&OT Student Code of Conduct.

  • Demonstrated good performance in all previous placements, with no reported concerns raised about professional interactions or other competencies

  • Come to the University of Toronto from the requested region and/or the student has and interest in employment in the requested region upon graduation

  • Completed the Introductory Fieldwork Experience (OCT1131H) and Fieldwork 1 (OCT1183Y).


Please note that all out of catchment placements will not be finalized until the fieldwork site has signed a University of Toronto Placement Agreement. If the fieldwork site refuses to sign the Placement Agreement, then the student will not be able to participate in the out of catchment placement.


Students will be notified by the Director of Clinical Education of application procedures and deadlines before each placement block. Out of catchment placements must be confirmed 4-6 weeks prior to the start of placement, with a signed Placement Agreement in place in order for the placement to proceed. If a student is assigned a within catchment placement while awaiting an out of catchment placement, students are required to contact the GTA catchment site to keep them updated about the out of catchment placement request.


Please click on the buttons below to read further information for placements in Southern Ontario and Canada, Northern Ontario (NOSM), and International placements.

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