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Fieldwork Resources for Preceptors

U of T MScOT Fieldwork Manual 

The Fieldwork Manual contains information on all aspects of the Fieldwork program, including the placement process, fieldwork policies and procedures, student evaluation, student accident or illness, direction for challenging student situations, various student and preceptor resources, and much more. 

Department of OS&OT Educational Conceptual Framework

The MScOT Educational Conceptual Framework is a document that was created to outline the why and how of the MScOT curriculum that is used to educate students to become occupational therapists. In addition to providing a framework for teaching and learning, the document provides a guide for the renewal of both academic and fieldwork course content and teaching processes.

Inclusive Occupational Therapy Education for Persons with Disabilities

The CAOT/ACOTUP Joint Position Statement on Inclusive Occupational Therapy Education for Persons with Disabilities begins with these words: "It is the position of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) and the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP), that persons with disabilities who are enrolled in a Canadian occupational therapy entry-level program have the right to equitable participation in all aspects of their education." Read the full position statement here.

Canadian Guidelines for Fieldwork Education in Occupational Therapy

The Canadian Guidelines for Fieldwork Education in Occupational Therapy is a document created by the Committee on University Fieldwork Education (CUFE) of the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP) that outlines guiding principles, responsibilities, and a quality improvement process for OT fieldwork in Canada. This is an essential document for preceptors, fieldwork facilities, and university programs.

Guidelines and Standards for OT Student Supervision

Preceptors should make themselves familiar with the following documents:

Virtual Fieldwork Supervision

Virtual Supervision Resource for Occupational Therapists contains practical strategies and tips for navigating virtual preceptorship of occupational therapy students

Online Preceptor Education Modules

The Preceptor Education Program was developed by an interprofessional research group at the University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College and funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. The resulting inter-professional web-based, on-line education program is intended to provide practical support to both preceptors and students. We invite you to make use of this very helpful resource.


Dalhousie University interdisciplinary Preceptor eLearning Course designed to provide comprehensive information and support for preceptors.

New Preceptor Orientation

New Preceptor Orientation (Updated July 2024): A five-page summary of resources and suggestions for preceptors who are new to the role. Topics include COTO and CAOT documents about fieldwork; responsibilities of preceptors from the perspective of the Department of OS&OT; information about the Competency-based Fieldwork Evaluation, student learning objectives, and practical processes concerning issues that arise; and suggestions about how to use your site fieldwork coordinator and what to orient your student to in your work area/facility.

Centre for Faculty Development

The Centre for Faculty Development (CFD) is a partnership between Unity Health Toronto and the University of Toronto’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine. The CFD is committed to supporting the development of participants and community members in their multiple roles and activities in health professions education. The CFD offers a wide range of our programs accessible to our community partners, many free of charge or at a discounted rate.

Tips on Balancing Clinical Education with Clinical Responsibilities

This session provides tips on how a clinician can approach the challenge of managing the dual roles of preceptor and clinician. Discussion includes an overview of an optimum fieldwork environment for both student and preceptor and ideas for the successful professional development for both the student and preceptor while continuing to provide effective client care.


Presenters: Rhona Anderson and Jameela Lencucha, Sessional Fieldwork Instructors, Department of OS&OT

Link to Recording
Accompanying Handout: Balancing the Dual roles of Clinician and Preceptor – Tips and Resources

Student Performance Issues

The Department of OS&OT Fieldwork Manual provides information regarding student fieldwork performance issues. The fieldwork flowcharts outline the process that a preceptor should follow when a student is struggling on placement.


A step by step guide to the management of student fieldwork performance issues can be found here.

InPlace Resources for Preceptors

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